Uckfield Town Council consultations

At the end of each calendar year, the Town Council is required to set its priorities and budget for the next financial year.

The council prepares several documents which assist with planning for the following financial year and beyond.

These are presented to the meeting of Full Council in January each year.

The draft documents are published online for residents to make comments between the Full Council meetings in December and January, and the feedback received is reported to members at their January Full Council meeting.

The Strategic Plan 2024-29, Annual Plan 2024/25, and Annual Budget 2024/25 were adopted by Uckfield Town Council at their meeting of the full Council on 15 January 2024. You can download or view the documents below:

Strategic Plan 2024-29

Annual Plan 2024-25

Budget 2024-25

Luxford Field viewed from the steps in front of the civic centre
Photo of train approaching Uckfield station at dawn

Wealden District Council consultations

Wealden District Council runs several consultations throughout the year.

Over the winter months, they consult residents on their proposals for their budget and medium-term financial strategy. The consultation on their Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2024-29 and budget for 2024-25 closed on 12 January 2024.

To keep up to date with their latest consultations, please visit:
Lets Talk Wealden

East Sussex County Council consultations

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) regularly consults on its ‘Core Offer’.

To help manage the financial pressures that the County Council is under, they have created a Core Offer of what can be provided in terms of services and what residents should expect from them.

They also run several other surveys throughout the year, which relate to their services such as highways, education, and libraries.

If you are interested in keeping an eye on and participating in other consultations run by East Sussex County Council, please visit:

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner consultations

The Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner runs frequent consultations with residents, in particular over the December/January period in the lead-up to their budget setting to understand residents’ priorities regarding community safety.

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, invites residents to provide their thoughts on policing priorities in a survey about the precept, the element of council tax which funds 41% of the Sussex Police budget.

For information on the breakdown of Police funding, visit:

Please watch this space for further information about upcoming consultations.


Find out more about how last year’s budget was set…

https://www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/events-surveys/ or see their latest news page here: https://www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/about/news/

Wealden Draft Local Plan

In February 2024, Wealden District Council announced the publication of its Draft Local Plan.

This supersedes the Draft Local Plan that was drawn up in 2019 and subsequently withdrawn in 2020. The new plan intends to offer a plan for how the district will develop between 2025 and 2040.

Between 15 March 2024 and 10 May 2024, Wealden DC is running an eight-week consultation period which allows for all district residents to have their say on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan.

Uckfield Town Council encourages all residents to offer feedback to the plan, as the greater the volume and quality of feedback received is, the greater the final plan should be.

You can read about the plan and offer your feedback through the following link: https://www.wealden.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/wealden-local-plan/


Direction of Travel Consultation – 2020-21

The Direction of Travel consultation was the first stage in Wealden DC’s engagement process for the 2024 Draft Local Plan, and they were keen to hear our views so they could understand what is important to the communities including residents, businesses, voluntary organisations, and Town and Parish Councils, as well as partner organisations and stakeholders.

Within the consultation document, they identified several key planning themes to address in the Local Plan.

Wealden Local Plan cover image

These themes included climate change, infrastructure, housing, the economy and employment, town centres, tourism, the natural environment, landscape, heritage and cultural assets, design, and health and wellbeing.

The Wealden Local Plan consultation document can be found on the left-hand side of the screen when you click on the below web link. The consultation period closed on 18 January 2021.



Uckfield Town Council Response

In December 2020, Uckfield Town Council appointed a small working group to work through the Local Plan Direction of Travel consultation. The members of this working group were Councillors K. Bedwell, J. Love, C. Macve and A. Smith.

Below you can download PDF files of the responses submitted. Please note, there was no response to Chapter 12.





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