Organised by Cornerstone Church, Uckfield, this General Election Hustings event invites members of the Uckfield public to attend a lively evening of election debate in The Civic Centre Uckfield’s Weald Hall on Sunday 23 June (7.00-9.00pm). Free parking is available in the adjacent Luxford Field car park.
All six candidates for the constituency have confirmed their attendance: Christina Coleman (Green), Ben Cox (Labour), Mims Davies (Conservative), Benedict Dempsey (Liberal Democrat), Ian Gibson (Independent) and William Jeffrey Highton (English Democrats). The event will be chaired by Ian Noble, Director of the Uckfield Chamber of Commerce.
Given the limitation on numbers, it is essential that if attending, you reserve a place via Eventbrite.
Cornerstone Church ask that those attending please book as one person per booking, so they have a record of everyone’s name and email address.
They expect high demand and tickets are available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
If you subsequently find you are unable to attend having booked a place, please revisit Eventbrite and cancel your place so it can be made available for someone else.
Doors will open at 6.00pm as bag checks will be carried out for the audience and while we aim to make this a smooth process, please be patient when queuing. Please avoid bringing bags, if possible, to speed up the entry process and minimise any security risk. Doors will close at 6.50pm for a 7.00pm start. Regrettably, bar facilities will not be available.
The organisers have prepared topical questions based on the main talking points of this election and will invite the candidates to respond to include commentary on both national and local issues. The responses to our questions will occupy the first part of the evening before they come to questions from the floor.
Naturally, the organisers cannot guarantee to cover every question, although they will aim to get through as many as possible.
Questions from the floor must be prepared before the evening commences and there will be a welcome desk where you can write your question from 6.00pm. A roving mic will enable those who want to ask a question to do so personally, when invited to speak.
Candidates will have the opportunity to make an opening statement and closing remarks similar to the TV-style debates. Organisers hope that General Election material for the parties will be available upon arrival for the audience to peruse ahead of the formalities.
Those who want to speak with candidates personally after 9.00pm, once the event has closed, may do so in the adjacent Ashdown Room.