Uckfield’s Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) is asking residents for their feedback as part of wider work to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in the community.
Police have worked closely with partner agencies, including Children’s Services and Wealden Works, to engage with the young people who are contributing to, and at risk of, crime.
The work saw success earlier this year, with reports of anti-social behaviour dropping significantly in the two months from August 1 compared to the five months previous to that.
The team has now launched a survey to consult those living in the town on how they are feeling around community safety, whether they have been a recent victim of crime and their suggestions on how improvements could be made.
The survey is available to complete until Friday (December 4) and is open to people living in Uckfield town here: https://sussexpolice.researchfeedback.net/s/communitysurvey_kt
Sergeant Kara Tombling of Wealden Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “This survey is a really valuable opportunity for us to gather feedback and suggestions from residents of Uckfield on how we are progressing with tackling anti-social behaviour in the area.
“We know that persistent anti-social behaviour can have a serious and distressing impact on those living and working in communities affected by it.
“In May 2020 we launched an operation to tackle the issue in Uckfield with the support of schools and partner organisations. This has included engaging with young people in the area to encourage them to pursue positive activities away from crime, including music and sports sessions.
“The majority have responded well to this approach, but we have used enforcement where necessary to address repeat offending, including issuing a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) and pursuing an arrest and charge when the CBO was breached.
“Thank you to all our residents who complete the survey, and please do contact the team if you have issues you wish to discuss on wealden@sussex.pnn.police.uk.”