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    Public Consultation on Planning Application for Land at Mockbeggars Farm

    Background of the consultation

    Cala Homes are engaging residents on the initial details of their reserved matters planning application for Land at Mockbeggars Farm, off London Road, Uckfield.

    Outline planning permission was granted in early 2024 for the site following an appeal by the prospective developers – Obsidian Strategic Land Management Ltd. – to the Planning Inspectorate.

    At the appeal, two representatives of Uckfield Town Council appeared as interested parties in support of the local planning authority, Wealden District Council, whose original decision was to refuse the application.

    The initial submission of the planning application was on 26 April 2022, with a refusal by Wealden District Council on 22 June 2023.

    With WDC resolving not to defend the appeal, at the decision of the Planning Inspectorate, the appeal was then allowed on 15 March 2024 and planning permission was granted “in outline for the development of 60 dwellings, access and internal roads, parking, ancillary structures, landscaping and open space, drainage and other associated works. All matters reserved apart from access at Land at Mockbeggars Farm, Uckfield, TN22 2EB.”

    A full document detailing the Planning Inspectorate’s decision can be found here: Planning Inspectorate – Appeal Decision

    Uckfield Town Council’s response to the decision, published on 20 March 2024, can be found here:

    Full details of the planning application from Wealden District Council can be found here:

    When is the consultation?

    Cala Homes’ public exhibition is open to all local residents to attend between 2pm and 8pm on Wednesday 29th January 2025. The exhibition will take place in the Ashdown Room, on the ground floor of the Civic Centre Uckfield, TN22 1AE.

    Local residents are also welcome to contact Cala Homes and offer feedback if they are not able to attend the exhibition. Please email them at [email protected] if you wish to offer feedback this way.

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