Agendas are posted on this website in PDF format and are also posted in the Civic Centre and on noticeboards throughout the town. Minutes of all meetings will be available as “draft” copies until ratified by the relevant Committee at their next meeting.
As from the 29th July 2015 all Agendas together with supporting documents will be formatted as one pdf.
We try and publish the draft minutes of the Council and Committee minutes within two weeks of the meeting although due to a number of circumstances this is not always possible. No draft minutes of sub-committees are published as the recommendations from sub-committees have to be considered at the following meeting of the General Purposes Committee.
All Council and Committee meetings are open to members of the public, who are allowed to speak on items on the agenda, at the discretion of the Chairman.
Meetings are held in the Council Chamber on the first floor of the Civic Centre and start at 7.00pm. If you wish to ask a question at a meeting, it is advisable to submit your question beforehand to allow a full response to be given at the meeting. All questions should be directed to the Town Clerk in the first instance.
If you would like copies of Agendas or Minutes for Council or Committee meetings prior to 2015, please contact the Council Offices.