In line with the Local Goverment Transparency Code, local authorities must publish details of all land and building assets.
The Town Council has a five year Property Asset Management Plan, and reviews this plan each year as part of the annual business planning process. This document is reviewed alongside the Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and Annual Budget.
Property Asset Management Plan 2024-29
The Town Council has a large asset portfolio which consists of:
10 x buildings (some are leased/rented out);
2 x local nature reserves
8 x play areas
4 x football grounds (total of 3 adult and 4 juniors)
1 x cricket pitch
1 x skate park
3 x ancient woodlands (with extensions)
1 x pond
6 x allotment sites
1 x cemetery (split into north and south)
plus open spaces and recreational space.
The full asset register is available here.